Expert Advice2020-12-20T10:05:20-07:00

How Absence Affects Your Horse

This summer there was a bit of a shift in some of my students’ agendas, and it left a bit of longing in my barn from some of my horses. I totally understand that agendas

A Thankful Post

Time for a reflective moment! It’s been a busy couple of weeks folks, and I apologize for slowing down on our posting here! But now, the holidays are coming, a baby is coming, and it’s

Happy 10 Year Anniversary to SWPH!

I started my own official business at the age of 20. That means that I have had my own business for 10 years now! Happy 10 year anniversary to Samantha Walker Performance Horses! I feel

In Memory of Maverick

My last post was about doing the most with the ponies that you have, no matter where they end up in the long run. In that last post, I explained how I was late to

A Little Love Goes A Long Way

Sometimes, things just don’t work out Every once in a while, a horse comes into a training program that doesn’t end up working out for whatever people needed it to. Not because of anything the

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