
The August student of the month is Grace Fitzgerald! Grace often gets asked from new people at the barn if she’s entering college or getting ready for her senior year of high school. Though she does look the part of an older student, I believe what comes across more than ever from this sophomore is her poised charisma. She is openly helpful and kind with all of the young students. She is friendly and professional with every new individual that steps foot in the barn, even stepping up to introduce herself to all new acquaintances. I don’t find this quality too often in young adolescents. Grace has a way of making everyone at ease around her in the barn.

She is an extremely hard worker and takes the time to make sure the job gets done right. Grace has been helping me in the barn over the summer and she’s proving to be a great hand! On a horse, the girl is fearless, though sometimes I’ve had to ask her to use a little more caution. She has a knack for making a horse perform any task she asks, especially if that task is going forward!

After a few years of putting up with my string of short lesson ponies (Grace has to be over six feet tall!), she has deserved a larger pony to lease for sure! She has been working hard with our four year old addition, Max, and I know she will have a fun couple of years ahead! Keep up the good work Grace!
