Monthly Archives: October 2018

Happy 10 Year Anniversary to SWPH!


I started my own official business at the age of 20. That means that I have had my own business for 10 years now! Happy 10 year anniversary to Samantha Walker Performance Horses! I feel like I could write a book on the last ten years, but here are just a few highlights. (Young and

Happy 10 Year Anniversary to SWPH!2018-10-24T14:17:42-07:00

In Memory of Maverick


My last post was about doing the most with the ponies that you have, no matter where they end up in the long run. In that last post, I explained how I was late to the game but in the end, I felt like I had done right by a pony that ended up in

In Memory of Maverick2018-10-13T06:42:43-07:00
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