Monthly Archives: September 2018

A Little Love Goes A Long Way


Sometimes, things just don’t work out Every once in a while, a horse comes into a training program that doesn’t end up working out for whatever people needed it to. Not because of anything the horse actually did, sometimes that horse just doesn’t grow enough, sometimes the family decides not to be as involved as

A Little Love Goes A Long Way2018-09-26T13:38:23-07:00

Judges Are People Too!


Nervous in front of your judge?  I’d like to think most adults understand that the judges who judge our horse shows are actually just people like the competitors. In fact, many judges have spent more time learning how to judge, putting hours of studying and apprenticing in and going to clinics to keep up on

Judges Are People Too!2018-09-11T13:40:35-07:00

Breaking Routine


As humans, we have a tendency to become creatures of habit. Often times, we become slaves to our routines without even knowing it. Now, in the horse world, routine certainly isn’t a bad thing. If the routine is involved with the daily feeding/care ect of our horses, routine can be important for your horse’s health

Breaking Routine2018-09-04T15:10:25-07:00
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