Monthly Archives: August 2018

Feel More. Think Less.


  "You can't teach feel, you have to experience it” -Bill Dorrance So much of exceptional horsemanship is feel. We can be told the right thing to do but without feel behind it, we won’t be effective horseman. It’s hard to explain to someone who hasn’t grasped the idea of feel for themselves… there’s no

Feel More. Think Less.2018-08-20T17:40:07-07:00

Strength Through Horses


This month has given Rebekah and I a good amount of time working together on some training horses. Rebekah has been learning how to start horses and how to look for success and progress in her young horses in order to quickly move further in their training on her own, rather than wait for me

Strength Through Horses2018-08-14T14:27:20-07:00
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