Monthly Archives: April 2018

More Leg!


“Collection is not compression: it is the balance where everything is easy for the horse to do.” -Dominique Barbier More Leg. Always more leg. If you’re training a horse and something isn’t coming together right, the solution is more often than not, “add more leg!” You’ll hear Sam say this at least once in almost

More Leg!2018-04-27T18:19:15-07:00

Lessons From My Horse


Horses are phenomenal teachers. From our very first ride to our very last, every time we swing our leg over that saddle they have something to tell us. Before we even get ON, they teach us so much by simply being around them. At first, you may think all you’re learning are skills related to

Lessons From My Horse2018-04-18T18:40:05-07:00

Horse Show Season


Horse show season is upon us yet again and we are back in full swing! Samantha Walker Performance Horses just wrapped up two days of showing at the POA Southwest Regional Show hosted at Chaparosa Ranch. Our riders had a great time and the ponies were their wonderful selves! From an outsiders perspective, all you

Horse Show Season2018-04-15T14:45:31-07:00

Welcome to the Newest Addition!


Hi all! It’s Samantha’s assistant, Rebekah Bukowski here. Funny story, you might recall a post Sam wrote awhile back (May 2017!) about getting back into the swing of blogging. Well…. Yeah. That didn’t quite happen! As I’m sure most of you know, business for Samantha Walker Performance Horses has been steadily increasing in the last year

Welcome to the Newest Addition!2018-04-06T20:36:46-07:00
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